Tuesday, 29 November 2011


Another popular web statistic to track is the number of daily hits your website receives. There are several ways to accomplish this using a global.asa file, text file, or a database. In this example, we are using an include file to record the data in an MS Access database.

The first thing you need to do is create a dailyhits.asp page with the code below:

<% DIM mySQL, objRS mySQL = "SELECT * FROM tblDailyHits WHERE DateVisited = #" & Date() & "#;" Set objRS = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") objRS.Open mySQL, objConn, adOpenKeyset, adLockPessimistic, adCmdText DIM iRecordCount iRecordCount = 0 IF objRS.EOF THEN objRS.AddNew ELSE objRS.MoveFirst iRecordCount = objRS("Hits") END IF objRS("Hits") = iRecordCount + 1 objRS.Update %>

We have <% =objRS("Hits") %> hits today.

<% objRS.Close Set objRS = Nothing objConn.Close Set objConn = Nothing %>

Next, we add our dailyhits.asp include file to every page in our website as seen below:

Note: If you are using an HTML Editor like FrontPage or Dreamweaver, you can save time by placing your include file in your shared border or template. Then, your dailyhits.asp file will autmatically be included in every page that uses that shared border or template.

ASP Web Pro

The rest of your page here.

Now, you have a count of how many Daily Hits you are receiving on your website.


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