With that said, we are here to learn how to use SQL within an ASP page. So once again, we will start with the code from our Database Connection Tutorial.
<% DIM objConn Set objConn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") objConn.ConnectionString = "DSN=myCONNECTION.dsn" objConn.Open DIM mySQL mySQL = "SELECT * FROM myTABLE" DIM objRS Set objRS = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") objRS.Open mySQL, objConn %>
Display data from database here.
Anytime you want to display a specific subset of data from your database onto a web page, you need to use a SQL statement. The example above show a basic SQL statement.
First, just like with the connection and recordset objects you must create a variable. In this case, we chose mySQL. Then, you write your statement. In SQL, SELECT and FROM are constants. The * is a wildcard meaning ALL as in SELECT ALL FROM. Last, myTABLE is the name of the table in your database where the records should be selected from.
Now, there are a lot of extra things you can include in a SQL statement to be more particular about records to display and even how to display them. Here are a few examples.
mySQL = "SELECT * FROM tblUsers ORDER BY DateVisited DESC"
This example includes a date field called DateVisited and would display records on your web page according to date with the most recent listed first.
mySQL = "SELECT TOP 10 * FROM tblUsers ORDER BY DateVisited DESC"
This example would display the top 10 records in your database according to date.
mySQL = "SELECT * FROM tblUsers WHERE Type = ' Customer ' "
This example includes a field called Type and would display all of your records that have Customer listed as a type.
mySQL = "SELECT * FROM tblUsers WHERE DateVisited BETWEEN 1/1/01 AND 12/31/01"
This example would display all of your records where the date contained in the DateVisited field is between 1/1/01 and 12/31/01.
mySQL = "SELECT * FROM tblInvoices WHERE Customer LIKE ' M% ' "
This example selects all of the records from our intInvoices table where the Customer field begins with the letter M.
mySQL = "SELECT * FROM tblInvoices WHERE Customer LIKE ' _icrosoft ' "
This example selects all of the records from our intInvoices table where the Customer field ends with the letters icrosoft.
mySQL = "SELECT * FROM tblInvoices WHERE Customer LIKE ' [ m - o ]icrosoft ' "
This example selects all of the records from our intInvoices table where the Customer field begins with any letter between m and o and also ends with the letters icrosoft.
These are some of the basics for writing SQL statements. There are a lot more, but this will help get you started. Later on we will be adding an advanced SQL Advanced Tutorial.
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